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Parama Dhamma Chethiya as a Reconciliation hub

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Reconciliation hub

Reconciliation Hub

Reconciliation Hub

Leading towards peace

Leading towards peace

Reconciliation Hub

Leading the way towards
unity & Peace

Parama Dhamma Chethiya Maha Pirivena has been not only a buddhist temple for spiritual consolation, but also a hub for social services and reconciliation.

Sri Lanka is a country where people who belong to different ethnic groups and religions live together. Buddhism is about peace within one's self, kindness, mutual respect and reconciliation. Therefore, since its inception in 1841, Parama Dhamma Pirivena has been open not only to buddhists but also to all the people.

Over the years, with its well-earned reverence and rich local and foreign affairs, Parama Dhamma Pirivena has been able to gather the people around it and lead the way towards unity and peace.

Read more about us

Our Effort


The temple always encourages the community that represent all the ethnic and religious groups to take part in its festival celebrations and ceremonies to enhances the mutual understanding and respect. It also organizes especial programmes with the participation of all community.

Foreign Affairs

Parama Dhamma Pirivena has strong local and foreign affairs with the world especially with the United States and India. The temple acts as a local hub for all people and empower them with these.


Parama Dhamma Pirivena is the parent to many organizations and societies that are dedicated for social services, welfare, education and reconciliation. Majority of them are open to all the community.Read more about our organizations